poetic filmmaker writer & producer film training & education
Robert Aitken grew up in a family who live and breathe antiques, fine arts and ancient antiquity in the far north Highlands of Scotland. It's been a way of life for over half a century with every conceivable item passing hands during that time. The passion for Scottish pieces in particular is still unbound today through Robert.

Aitken is Robert’s family name, with Aitken also being a sept of the Clan Gordon. Aitken is a post-WWII adaptation of the name Aiken. ‘Aiken Drum’ is an old popular Scottish folk song which has its origins in a Jacobite song about the Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715). It was allegedly sung at the French court during the second Jacobite uprising, when France was an ally of Scotland in a union called the Auld Alliance. Since then 'Aiken Drum’ has become a well know nursery rhyme.

For Robert, it’s not about quantity, rather, he's propelled by his love for the preservation of incredibly well crafted pieces and a more discerning approach to what excites him and hopefully you too. It’s a journey through the centuries of enjoyment, appreciation and all the skilled people who have made it all happen.